On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 04:56:27PM +0200, Vittorio Bertola <vittorio.bertola=40open-xchange.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote a message of 70 lines which said: > Many European countries already put out calls for proposals in the > past weeks and are near to selecting an app for this purpose, Note that there are many reasons why it is not a good idea to fight COVID-19 but this is another matter. > with the European Commission working on an EU-interoperable > approach; the dominant mobile OS vendors already came up with a > joint standard API to support the above; so it is unclear what the > IETF could add to this in such a short timeframe. For the current COVID-19 outbreak, certainly nothing, IETF is not real-time. But such worldwide pandemics may appear again in the future so if one thinks that contact-tracing apps are a good idea, there is still something to do. (On the wire format, I mean. APIs are a different thing.)