Hi Fernando,
At 08:21 PM 27-02-2020, Fernando Gont wrote:
Yeah, of course erratas change text.There wouldn't be erratas if
they were no-ops. The point is that they don't change the
spirit/intent of the text.
Again: what do you think is the existing behavior, and how different
that is from that described in the proposed errata?
My reading of the Last Call is that there was a text change to
address the issue which was raised during the discussion of the
I-D. That may have introduced some ambiguity and the differing
interpretations which were discussed on two Working Group mailing list.
I could argue that there isn't any difference if I had a strong view
on the matter. I don't have any such view currently.
At 08:54 PM 27-02-2020, Fernando Gont wrote:
They clearly are not. I have no idea whatsoever where you got this from.
Yes, there's no protocol police. But such behavior does not conform
to the IPv6 standard, nor with the existing architecture.
I found the first page [1] of a document from a multi-mission
laboratory quite interesting.
S. Moonesamy
1. http://r.elandsys.com/r/51642