On 2020-02-25, at 15:43, Mary B <mary.h.barnes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > For people that are worried, you can follow the situation (based on real reported numbers) here: > http://ncov.bii.virginia.edu/dashboard/ This is a real-time dashboard of the numbers of known cases in various areas. Similar but a bit overloaded (and with scrolling broken on Macs): https://who.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/c88e37cfc43b4ed3baf977d77e4a0667 Beyond the numbers, also of interest is whether an area is believed to have “ongoing community transmission”, i.e., the infection vectors are out of control; this is more indicative of whether travel to that area (or contact with people from that area) poses a risk. If you speak German (or have machine translation): https://www.rki.de/covid-19-risikogebiete.html Grüße, Carsten