On 04.10.2019 22:07, IETF Administration LLC Executive Director wrote:
The IETF Administration LLC (IETF LLC) is soliciting proposals ("Proposals") for the Temporary RFC Series Project Manager (PM). The PM will assume responsibility for a subset of the tasks that are normally performed by the RFC Series Editor (RSE) role during the term of the contract, outlined below. As this is a temporary position, the PM shall not be responsible for the evolution of the RFC series. Instead the PM shall shepherd changes already planned or in progress, and such incremental changes as are necessary to meet those goals. The general responsibilities of the RSE are laid out in RFC 6635, but that document should only be understood to apply to this project to the extent it, or parts of it, is incorporated by reference into the actual contract. The scope of responsibilities and goals of the PM role are outlined here: https://www.ietf.org/about/administration/rfps/ Timeline 04 Oct 19: RFP Issued 14 Oct 19: Questions and Inquiries deadline 25 Oct 19: Answers to questions issued, RFP Addenda and Update issued 11 Nov 19: Proposals due 22 Nov 19: Selection made, negotiations begin 09 Dec 19: Contract execution 01 Jan 20: Work begins ...
Any news on this? Has a selection been made? Best regards, Julian