Thanks for the feedback, Bernard. We already fixed in the editor
copy some of the issues that you described based on other feedback
received during last call, but not all. Your comments about
section 3.7.1 and section 5 are interesting. I like your
suggestion of moving some of the text from section 5 to the
introduction and believe that it will improve the document.
Regarding section 3.7.1, you suggest adding a comment on related work, and perhaps moving some of the discussion of ALPN there. I understand the rationale, but I am a bit worried about going too far there -- the current text reflects discussions and feedback on the TLS list. Also, if we did add a section on related work we would probably need to reference the deployment of encrypted DNS services, and I am a bit worried about doing that late in the production cycle. How about a compromise, such as pointing the issue in the introduction with a forward reference to section 3.7.1?
-- Christian Huitema
On 9/9/2019 12:48 PM, Bernard Aboba