On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 2:45 PM john heasley <heas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tue, Sep 03, 2019 at 10:02:19AM +0100, Stephen Farrell:
> On 03/09/2019 02:51, Alissa Cooper wrote:
> > a firmer commitment to building a respectful environment
> I've two quibbles with how you expressed that.
> I think we want an environment where we are all respectful
> of the people participating (or not participating) in the
> IETF, but we explicitly do not want participants to be
> overly respectful of the (current) organisational structures,
> Secondly, we also do not want IETF participants to be
> shy criticising what they consider technically bad ideas.
Perhaps "a polite and considerate environment," is a more accurate
description of the intention. Respect is different and can not be
commanded nor is it automatic, it must be earned. IMO.
How much respect should BGP accord?