It’s not so much what we call it as what they think they’re allowed to do. Just saying - Mike Sent from my iPad > On Jul 29, 2019, at 19:15, Donald Eastlake <d3e3e3@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I don't think the IAB project model fits very well for the RFC Series > and that it should have different governance for which I have some > ideas. But I wanted to talk about something else: the power of > nomenclature. > > The key word in RFC Series Oversight Committee is "Oversight". What do > people think when they hear "oversight"? They think that a large part > the job of whoever has "oversight" is to review and criticize. No > doubt the fine print clarifies things but every time someone thinks > about or volunteers for or is appointed to the RSOC, it rings the > "oversight" gong. Of course there are plenty of worse words than > "oversight". I suppose it could have been called the RFC Series > Management Committee or something... > > What if everything else we the same, but it had been called the RFC > Series Support Committee? And everytime someone thought about or > volunteer for or was appointed to the committee they were reminded > that this is about supporting the RFC Series? > > Thanks, > Donald > =============================== > Donald E. Eastlake 3rd +1-508-333-2270 (cell) > 1424 Pro Shop Court, Davenport, FL 33896 USA > d3e3e3@xxxxxxxxx >