I’m conflicted about this. Time used for what might be speech-making from one person, could be a more nuanced point from another. We keep saying we need to use our f2f time more efficiently. Well, sometimes that means breadth and a lot of people providing quick input and it also can mean depth and giving folks enough time to say something clearly. I think hard and fast rules like fixed time limits will prevent the latter (from both ends of the room).
YMMV, of course.
On 24 Jul 2019, at 9:57, Salz, Rich wrote:
I strongly agree with Paul. A uniform time limit -- on both mic and dais speakers -- is the only way to be fair. And the dais time-limit should be total, otherwise a one-minute comment from the floor becomes 10 minutes of response from the dais, which defeats the goal of hearing community input.
If that is, in fact, the goal.
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