On 7/10/19 12:14 PM, Andrew G. Malis wrote:
> The "Network Working Group" was the historical original source of
RFCs prior to the IETF. The "Network Working Group" attribution in RFCs
was kept for many years in the IETF as a sort of homage. Lately, as
you've noticed, it's been updated to "IETF".
Thanks, this is very informative! I think it would make sense to and
"network" to https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/ as a sort of "virtual"
working group that exists solely to document that the "Network Working
Group" no longer exists.
It also seems like it's common practice for Individual Drafts to be
attributed to the Network Working Group. See, for instance,
https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-koster-rep-00.txt. I realize it's hard to
enforce changes on Individual Drafts, but perhaps there's guidance we
could publish somewhere to discourage this confusing practice?