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Just because the IAB said it was so, doesn’t mean it was true. In 1992, the RFC series was work product of ISI and wholly funded by the US Govt in the form of contracts from NSF and DARPA ( and in fact a contract funded by my program at DARPA). I know for a fact that funding continued at least until 1996 or later. The IAB had no power to appoint an RFC editor, nor did anyone in the I* community until ISI ceded control of the series near the end of Bob and Joyce’s tenure at the communities request. I’m pretty sure ISI would have laughed at such an attempt. What the document should have said that would have been true is that the IAB could select the publication path for I* related documents. That’s still true today. That said, Jon was as agreeable a person as anyone I’ve ever met. Had the IAB tried to claim ownership of the series, I’m sure he probably would have handed it off with his best wishes for success and a suggestion of where to find funding. We’re fortunate that the IAB of that period had more sense. Mike