Several members of the open source "" group do regularly participate in ietf mailing lists and remote meetings, but it is rare that any of us can actually afford to attend IETF. In fact, we've had no travel budget for 3 years running. I'd mostly reduced my involvement to BABEL after the AQM wg closed, and that remotely only. This past IETF, we had to hold a bake sale on the bloat mailing list as well as melt all my credit cards in order to get our new SCE "Some Congestion Experienced" AQM concept in front of the tsvwg and iccrg working groups in contrast to the cablelabs dualpi proposal. (if anyone cares, the TSVWG talk and slides are here: ) - The controversy in the open source community, covered here: We've been *very strongly encouraged* to present again at the upcoming ietf in montreal, but I'm now in no position to sponsor the 2-3 core people again that need to present the follow-on results in the 5 or so related wgs. Is there an org, a fund, a means, a way, to get a bunch of rather poor, but innovative, open source devs and theorist, out there, that we can apply to? raise the ~9k needed? isoc? Something? (and if it were possible i'd rather like to have what I had had to spend back, so I can pour it into recreating a network testbed for this work. I'm not planning to attend, myself. The one trip alone wiped out ecn-sane's budget for the year) -- Dave Täht CTO, TekLibre, LLC Co-Founder, Tel: 1-831-205-9740