Hi Andy,
The error is mine: I created that chart and that is simply a typo. As you suspected, the abbreviation should have been NL for Netherlands. Thanks for catching it! I will update the chart and provide a corrected version for the proceedings.
And on the previous slide, 3.3% of the attendees were identified as being from "NH", which according to ISO used to be New Hebrides, and the proper name is now Vanuatu. I assume that should have been "NL" for the Netherlands?
Cheers, Andy
At the plenary, Alissa showed a graph of attendance over time - including “Total attendees”, “First-time attendees”, and “Attended 80% of previous mtgs”. How was this last line calculated? Were *all* previous meetings counted, or just a 'sliding window' of previous meetings? If the latter, then how large is this ’sliding window’?