Hi Stewart, As I know, if both the "seller" and "customer" have a validated EU VAT number (http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/) AND products are sent from one EU country to another EU country, VAT CAN'T be charged. This is valid for "products" but not for services if they are provided in the "seller" country. For example, for a hotel, restaurant, or conference, the VAT must be charged in the country where the service is provided, and then EU companies have a very complex way to deduct that VAT from their own tax organization. The issue is that most of the time, the cost of doing that claim is not worth, unless you are a big company and have dedicated staff to do that, for example for all the company traveling expenses within EU, etc. Regards, Jordi -----Mensaje original----- De: ietf <ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx> en nombre de Stewart Bryant <stewart.bryant@xxxxxxxxx> Fecha: lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018, 17:04 Para: <ietf@xxxxxxxx> Asunto: VAT on IETF 104 Registration Do any other European companies know the position WRT to VAT on the IETF registration fees? It seems that in some circumstances the Czech supplier does not need to charge VAT if the VAT registration number of the purchaser is provided. The IETF form asks for a VAT number which I provided, but I was still charged VAT. There are some suggestions on the web that I need to ask the IETF to cancel and refund the registration and get them to submit an invoice without VAT included for me to pay. Any VAT experts out there? Stewart ********************************************** IPv4 is over Are you ready for the new Internet ? http://www.theipv6company.com The IPv6 Company This electronic message contains information which may be privileged or confidential. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) named above and further non-explicilty authorized disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information, even if partially, including attached files, is strictly prohibited and will be considered a criminal offense. If you are not the intended recipient be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information, even if partially, including attached files, is strictly prohibited, will be considered a criminal offense, so you must reply to the original sender to inform about this communication and delete it.