--On Friday, September 14, 2018 15:55 -0700 Randy Bush <randy@xxxxxxx> wrote: > i am less comfortable with hiding this critical discussion off > in some obscure mailing list. we already have enough problems > with closed iab discussions. +1 > but making clear that strong > encryption is here to stay and that is a good thing is > principle. Yes, I certainly hope so. However, I also think we need to be aware that, while I hope history doesn't repeat itself in this case, the historical trend ("historical" = centuries, not Internet time) has been that, if whatever passes for strong encryption at the time starts becoming sufficiently intrusive, governments have often responded by banning encryption entirely and trying to enforce those bans. That potentially provides a new way to fragment the Internet with a boundary between those who use strong encryption and those who are put at considerable risk by trying to do so. I'm still prepared to believe that strong encryption is a good thing in principle, but we should also all be careful what we wish for. Cassandra