Brad Peabody <bradgareth@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I would like to get some initial feedback, and suggested next steps, on > the idea of making an RFC that covers a version 6 for UUIDs. It would > have an embedded timestamp and sorting by its raw bytes results in a > sequence equivalent to sorting by time. This is not addressed by > existing UUID types. (The closest one is version 1, but due to the byte > encoding it does not sort correctly.) There's clearly a need for a standard version of something like this, since people keep reinventing similar things: Elasticsearch sequential UUID / Flake ID Firebase push IDs Cassandra TimeUUID KSUID k-sortable unique identifiers ULID universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier Twitter Snowflake If you want to pursue standardization, the next step is to write an internet-draft that will update RFC 4122. Tony. -- f.anthony.n.finch <dot@xxxxxxxx> Bailey: Variable 4 becoming westerly 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later in north. Moderate, becoming rough or very rough later in north. Rain then showers. Moderate or poor, becoming good.