Hi, this is a status update on where we are in the CEO search process. In my last note to the community, I explained that we were finishing the selection of a search firm to support us during the process and that we were planning to launch an open call for candidates in February: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2018/01/ceo-succession-internet-society-status-update/ After issuing an RFP and conducting a set of interviews with several firms, the CEO Search Committee selected a search firm. The selected firm is Perrett Laver. Based on, among other things, all the community feedback we have received on the following email address (you can still send your input to that address), the CEO Search Committee has developed a draft job description: ceo-succession@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In order to refine the job description and to make sure we gather all the input we need, the search firm is going to conduct informational interviews with the leadership of our communities. Accordingly, they are going to interview the chairs of the OMAC (Organization Advisory Council), the ChAC (Chapters Advisory Council), and the IETF (the chairs of the IAB and the IAOC will also be interviewed). ISOC's executive team (staff) will also be interviewed. You can also talk with them if you prefer to provide input through them. We believe that those interviews will be very valuable and, thus, have decided to arrange them despite the fact that, as a result, we will not be able to launch the open call for candidates in February, per our original plan. We are confident that the additional input we will get from the interviews will be worth the delay in the process. Our current plan is to launch the open call for candidates on *March 9th*. The call will be open until *April 6th*. As usual, we will keep the community informed about the status of the search process and, in particular, about the open call for candidates. Cheers, Gonzalo Camarillo (for the board) Chair - ISOC Board of Trustees