IETF does try to be open to new ideas. But people bring new ideas to IETF all the time, and statistically speaking, most of those new ideas are bad ideas because they are coming from people without enough exposure to enough experience that would let them realize that they are bad ideas. So experienced IETF participants tend to reject bad or dubious ideas in ways that may seem impolite or rude. This is (mostly) not because they are rude people overall, it is simply because there are so many bad ideas presented here, as a consequence of IETF's openness.
The people who succeed in getting IETF to adopt their ideas are those who are willing to listen to feedback, take it seriously, understand its relevance, and adapt their ideas in light of the feedback. People who expect to be taken seriously without being willing to do those things tend to not succeed here. Even good ideas need refinement, and IETF makes decisions by rough consensus. Someone who isn't willing to listen to feedback will have a difficult time building consensus. And even when a relatively good idea is presented, community members are less likely to try to help people refine their ideas, if those people seem unwilling to accept constructive feedback and consider compromises.
Also: IETF makes it relatively easy to post an internet-draft. But posting an internet-draft doesn't do anything but make the draft available for download and send out an announcement to a mailing list. It doesn't schedule any discussion on the draft, it doesn't refer the draft to any working group, and it doesn't mean that anybody will take it seriously or even read it - whether it's good or not. That's just how the process works here. It's how it has to work. There aren't enough active participants in IETF for every internet-draft to be taken seriously. We'd never get any work done at all if we undertook an obligation to try to make every proposal successful.
On Jan 26, 2018, at 6:16 AM, Khaled Omar wrote:
Hi Abdussalam,
> The Answer to your question is: IETF is serious about adapted drafts only, or new drafts that have support from the internet community.
I see many people in the community talking and dicussing the IPv10 I-D, I feel it is strange that people within the IETF do the opposite and not taking it seriously.
Best regards,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: More guidance and directions for new drafts/comers (was Re: When the IETF can discuss drafts seriously?
From: Abdussalam Baryun
To: Khaled Omar
CC: ietf
Hello Khaled, and to all new comers,
I am sorry I did not see your question until yesterday, but your question/draft is important for new comers and some times for old participants. I really feel that the management some times may be not serious for some slot of time and may have excuses
because it is volunteering. If our management are paid we can be more guided and directed. So the new question, do we need more guidance or more friends?
The Answer to your question is: IETF is serious about adapted drafts only, or new drafts that have support from the internet community. IMO, you need to find 4 or 5 people that are willing to work with you/your-draft, maybe it is easier to find them within
your country or region. Then you contact the area director that is related to your draft to get feedback. The IETF provides some coaching so use that.
So the real answer to your question: is that you need more guidance and directions, who doesn't. You are smart and all us in IETF are, but the smarter who work within the guidance of WGs and ADs. All IETF experts, authors and IETF WG chairs and ADs, all are
getting guidance and they are continuously guided by asking for comments/feedback from the communities. So as many answered you to follow the reasonable engineering comments.
The other issue related to your question, the problem that we all are bussy, so we IETF are serious but bussy. We need to be serious about our time and others.
Finally, we in IETF must follow IETF procedures RFC2418, we always follow/read it and its updates available. So that is important to be guiding our management and our participants. We also have fun while we participate and we make friends, so we should
not get angry being more serious, but we be mercy with more friends and guidance.
Take care,