Reviewer: Susan Hares Review result: Has Nits Status: Nits The operational procedures described in this process for the gshut comment are accurately covered, and SHOULD work well. The Appendices A-C add to an operations document and should be retained for publication. Technical nit: location of technical nit: (section 4.3) The document indicats that the "BGP implementers SHOULD provide configuration knobs that utilize teh GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN community." What the problem is: The document does not say is that their should be error reporting knobs to track the use of GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN community. This can go in section 4.3 in one or two sentences. Editorial nit: section 3. paragraph 2, p. 3 /This is because alternate paths can be hidden by knodes of an AS./ commment: The implied "this" is too vague for a specification. Fix:/This lack of path occurs because alternate paths can be hidden by nodes of an AS."/