Reviewer: Victor Kuarsingh Review result: Ready Dear Authors, I have reviewed this document as part of the Operational directorate's ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. These comments were written with the intent of improving the operational aspects of the IETF drafts. Comments that are not addressed in last call may be included in AD reviews during the IESG review. Document editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other last call comments. Document Reviewed - Network Management Datastore Architecture Link to Document - Summary: This document specifies and architectural framework for datastores as it pertains to YANG (RFC7960)and NETCONF(RFC6241)/RESTCONF(RFC8040). A significant amount of input was gathered from real world experience to help evolve the the the datamodels user/proposed. The document outlines a revised architecture model for datastores with the addition of “Intended” and “operational” to the conceptual model. General Comments and Feedback: In general, this document seems well written and reviewed by the working group. N specific NITs or edits are recommended by this review. The document describes operational impacts os the change since Implications to YANG in section 6 and YANG model examples in section 7 which are highly useful the for the operationalization of this updated specification. I fee the document is ready for publishing baed on the current (ver -09) draft.