Hi -
This morning I received a donation solicitation from ISOC entitled "Help
connect the world". What was interesting about it - from an IETF point
of view - was that we were nowhere mentioned. I got curious and clicked
through (after checking the URL) to the donation page. There we were
mentioned in two words - "smart standards" in the FAQ about how the
money will be spent.
AFAICT, I'm on the solicitation mailing list because of my donation to
the IETF trust a while back. If that's the case, I'm somewhat bothered
that that list has been co-opted to be used as an ISOC source of
potential donors. I wouldn't mind so much if the IETF were prominently
mentioned, or if the donations could be designated for the IETF but
neither of these seem to be the case.
We've got another thread on the ISOC mission statement where the lack of
a specific mention of the IETF in said mission statement has been noted.
These are disturbing trends.