Hi Gonzalo,
On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 3:14 AM, Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Doug, Alia,
thanks for the input!
Alia, now that I have you thinking of ISOC :-) and before you delete the
context from your brain, you have been reaching out to other communities
(open source communities in particular) in order to help improve the
IETF's processes and outputs.
As you know, ISOC supports the IETF in several ways (in addition to
providing funding). Please, think about how ISOC could help support the
IETF in potentially new ways or how the current programs could make an
even larger impact, and let's have a conversation in Singapore. Thanks!
I would be delighted to. I'm quite interested in figuring out the ways to improve
overlap in the communities and better collaboration. I hope others on this list are
also encouraged to discuss and think more about what an ideal situation would
look like.
I do have a plan for a draft clarifying that standards-track RFCs can refer to stable (invariant)
open-source work, as was discussed and agreed to be useful during the IESG/IAB retreat.
There are community interactions that are needed - but to me, a first step is being clear
that - with IETF community consensus for the process and details - the IETF can also
build on top of the excellent work from many open source projects as well.
On 26/10/2017 11:49 PM, Alia Atlas wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Doug Royer <douglasroyer@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:douglasroyer@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote: > DouglasRoyer@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:DouglasRoyer@xxxxxxxxx
> On 10/26/2017 02:18 AM, Gonzalo Camarillo wrote:
> Hi,
> the board of trustees of the Internet Society (ISOC) plans to revise
> ISOC's mission statement. We would like to get your comments on the
> proposal we include below. This email discusses the reasons for the
> proposed change, the process we have followed so far to put together
> the current proposal, and the next steps in the process.
> It looks fantastic. It looks sufficiently general to be able to
> adapt for the next decade.
> +1 (which is it looks good, covers what I'd expect, and I don't have
> detailed comments)
> --
> Doug Royer - (http://DougRoyer.US http://goo.gl/yrxJTu )
> 714-989-6135 <tel:714-989-6135>