On 5/22/2017 7:09 PM, Khaled Omar wrote:
I'm the only author of the listed IDs and they are submitted individually, I made this removal request and these IDs must not be stored on the ietf database anymore and the ietf representation must not exist after the request date and time which is 23rd of May, 2017 at 1:00 PM GMT+02:00.
Khaled - upon submitting these IDs you included the standard IETF
Internet Draft Boiler plate for copyright and licensing. By doing so,
you granted the IETF process an unlimited, irrevocable paid up license
to publish, translate and make derivative works (and others) of those
submissions (see http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info, Trust Legal
Provisions 5.0 at 2(b) and 3(a).
I am not a lawyer, but removal of the IDs from the ID repository is
unlikely approaching zero to void the grant of rights you made. Any
legal action you take to force the removal is most likely to fail. Your
specific language of "If the ideas explained on these drafts will be
used, discussed or published by the ietf, legal actions will be taken."
is in conflict with your grant of rights.
Hence Ole's comment.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ole Jacobsen [mailto:olejacobsen@xxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 1:02 AM
To: Khaled Omar
Subject: Re: IPv10, KRP, and RRP IDs Removal.
You really have no idea how the IETF works, do you?
On Mon, 22 May 2017, Khaled Omar wrote:
Hi Jasmine,
As I'm the only author of the following IDs:
1) Internet Protocol version 10 (IPv10):
2) KHALED Routing Protocol (KRP):
3) Regional Routing Protocol (RRP):
Please remove them all from the ietf database or repository.
If the ideas explained on these drafts will be used, discussed or
published by the ietf, legal actions will be taken.
Khaled Omar