Regional Routing Protocol (RRP).

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Hi Jasmine,


Please don’t upload the 2nd version of the KRP ID and please upload the 1st new version with another draft title Regional Routing Protocol (RRP) discussing the same topic as KRP.


Best Regards,


Khaled Omar

ÿþdraft-omar-rrp-00                                         Khaled Omar

Internet-Draft                                              The Road                                       

Intended status: Standard Track                             

Expires: Octover 28, 2017		                April 28, 2017


                     Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)



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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions

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   This document specifies Regional Routing Protocol, sometimes referred to as

   KHALED Routing Protocol (KRP).

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction..................................................1

   2. Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)...............................1

   3. RRP Forwarding Mechanism......................................2

   3. Security Considerations.......................................4

   4. Acknowledgments...............................................4

   5. Authors' Addresses............................................4

   6. IANA Considerations...........................................4

   7. References....................................................4

   8. Full Copyright Statement......................................4

Khaled Omar             Internet-Draft                   [Page 1]

RFC              Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)        April 28, 2017

1.  Introduction

    - Regional Routing Protocol (RRP) is an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) that

      introduces a new way of routing IP packets from the source to the destination

      through different Autonomous Systems (ASs).

    - The Internet will be subdivided into logical regions or by the physical

      location of continents.

    - The routing process that Regional Routing Protocol (RRP) uses is based on the

      RRP Region Number (RN), the RRP Autonomous System Number (ASN), Best Path Algorithm

      (AS Path) and the efforts made by the IGP within each AS.

    - The major difference between RRP and BGP is that RRP does not uses a large table

      with hundreds of thousands of entries (BGP Table) stored within each Internet router,

      instead of that, it uses a smarter way of routing based on the RRP RN, RRP ASN

      stored within each IP address, Best Path Algorithm (AS Path) and the efforts already

      being done by each IGP within an AS.

2. Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)

    - RRP uses new terms that can be defined as follows:

    * Region Number (RN):

   - The 1st hex digit of the 2nd group of an IPv6 address determines on which RN this IPv6

     address is located.

   - The 1st octet of an IPv4 address determines on which RN this IPv4 address is located.

   - The table that will be used listing the Region Number (RN), the corresponding IPv6

     2nd group 1st hex digits and the IPv4 1st octet pool of numbers is called the

     Region Number Table (RNT) and is stored on every RRP router and is as follows:


     *  Region Number  *  1st Hex Digit of the 2nd IPv6 Group   *  1st IPv4 Octet Decimal Digits  * 


     *        1        *             0 - 5 - A - F              *            ARIN Pool            *        


     *        2        *             1 - 6 - B                  *          RIPE NCC Pool          *        


     *        3        *             2 - 7 - C                  *           AFRINIC Pool          *        


     *        4        *             3 - 8 - D                  *            APNIC Pool           *        


     *        5        *             4 - 9 - E                  *           LACNIC Pool           *        


    * Regional Boarder Router (RBR) ==> A router in a region that has

                                        at least one interface connected

                                        to a router's interface in another


    * Regional Router (RR) ==> - A router in a region and has all interfaces

                                 connected to other routers in the same


                               - A router in a local AS that has at least

                                 one interface connected to a different AS.


    * Local RRP AS Router (LRAR) ==> A router in an AS that has all interfaces

                                     connected to other routers in the same AS.

   - Each RBR and RR is configured with a Region Number (RN) that identifies

     in which region that router is located. 

   - All RBRs and RRs interfaces will be assigned by default to the configured

     Region Number (RN).


   - The two connected RRP routers exchange their RNs: 

       1) If they are the same, the two RRP routers are RRs.

       2) If they are different, the two RRP routers are RBRs.


   - The two connected RRP routers exchange their RRP ASNs:

       1) If they are the same, the two RRP routers are LRARs.

       2) If they are different, the two RRP routers are RRs.  

Khaled Omar             Internet-Draft                   [Page 2]

RFC            Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)        April 28, 2017

3. RRP Forwarding Mechanism

   - The RRP ASN is represented as follows:

     a) The 2nd two groups of an IPv6 address is represented as follows:

                   xxxx|yyyy|yyyy|yyyy:yyyy|yyyy|yyyy|yyyy     Binary Format


                                  XYYY:YYYY                 Hexadecimal Format

       where X hex digit is associated with a specific Region Number (RN).

       and YYY:YYYY hex digits represents the KRP Autonomous System Number (ASN).

     b) The 1st two octets of an IPv4 address is represented as follows:

                             yyyyyyyy.yyyyyyyy      Binary Format

                                   YY.YY          Hexadecimal Format

      where YY.YY hex digits represents the RRP Autonomous System Number (ASN).

     Note:- - The Region Number (RN) is unique for every region.

            - The RRP ASN must be unique for every AS.

            - For IPv4, the 1st two octets are represented in decimal in the IPv4 address

              itself, but the RRP ASN is represented in 4 hexadecimal digits.

    - There are 3 types of tables, 2 RBR messages and 1 RR message that RRP uses for

      forwarding a packet:

     a) RRP router Regional Table (RT):

    - Each RBR and RR creates its own Regional Table (RT).

    - The Regional Table (RT) is as follows:


     * Local RN * Remote RN * Traffic Class * Local RRP ASN * RBR RRP ASN * 


     *          *           *               *               *             *


Khaled Omar             Internet-Draft                   [Page 3]

RFC            Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)        April 28, 2017

    b) RRP router Forwarding Table (FT):


     *   Local  *   Remote  *    RBR    *    Best   *   Output   *   Next-hop  *

     *  RRP ASN *  RRP ASN  *  RRP ASN  *  AS Path  *  Interface *  IP Address *


     *          *           *           *           *            *             *


    c) RRP router IGP Routing Table (IRT):


     * Prefix (Subnet) * Metric * Output Interface * Next-hop IP Address * 


     *                 *        *                  *             *       *      



   - RBR Advertised Message Information for the local region's RRP ASN is as follows:


     * Remote RN * Traffic Class * No. of Hops * RBR IP Address * 


     *           *               *             *                * 


   - RBR Advertised Message Information for the remote region's RBR is as follows:


     * Local * Remote * Traffic * Number  * Time-out *   RBR   *

     *  RN   *   RN   *  Class  * of Hops *  Value   * RRP ASN *


     *          *           *                  *               *      


- RR Advertised Message Information is as follows:


     * Local * Remote *  Local  *   RBR   *     RR     *

     *  RN   *   RN   * RRP ASN * RRP ASN * IP Address *


     *       *        *         *         *            *      


Khaled Omar             Internet-Draft                   [Page 4]

RFC            Regional Routing Protocol (RRP)        April 28, 2017

Expires: 27-10-2017

Security Considerations


   The authors would like to thank B. Raveendran for the useful inputs and

   discussions about RRP.

Author Address

   Khaled Omar Ibrahim Omar

   The Road

   6th of October City, Giza


   Phone: +2 01003620284


   National ID No.: 28611262102992

IANA Considerations


Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) IETF (2016).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to

   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it

   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published

   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any

   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are

   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this

   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing

   the copyright notice or references, except as needed for the purpose of

   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for

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