> On Dec 24, 2016, at 1:25 AM, Randy Bush <randy@xxxxxxx> wrote: > > "If you want to participate in IETF mailing lists, you should be able to > receive messages from and send messages to the IETF which follow > Internet standards." Sure, but, ultimately, what's the goal of this discussion? Presumably some workable configuration of the list managers that serves the needs of IETF list members (possibly with some adjustment of how participants interact with the lists). So, if this discussion is to get anywhere, there needs to emerge a consensus on the usability requirements for the lists. At least the following need to be understood: 1. Must WG lists add [WG] subject tags? Or can this be left to subscriber etiquette? 2. Are message footers are a requirement? 3. Is modification of the "From" header acceptable? Discussion of whether to exclude subscribers from domains with DMARC policy are not necessary if some acceptable combination of the choices in 1, 2, 3 (or perhaps other options I left out) works with DMARC and retains list usability. As I mentioned before, for me, the most usable option is avoiding message modification of any kind, which leaves the origin DKIM signature valid. I've not seen anyone comment on whether that's workable for IETF WG lists (it works well enough for *this* list). -- Viktor.