On 11/7/2016 11:41 AM, Franck Martin wrote: > The EAI WG found it was fine to remove the obligation to have an email > address part in the mandatory RFC5322.From header, leaving only the > display part to assert the original author.
We had that relaxed permission for From:, in the original From/Sender/Reply-to specification of rfc733, with the requirement that there be a Sender: email address. It looks like we removed it for rfc822.
And while I recall something of the EAI discussion, I'm not recalling this permission's being returned. Nor am I finding it in rfc6854:
So, please point to the formal specification that permits a From: field to have no email address.
RFC 6854.
Absent that, there's the small question about how the EAI group would have the authority to make such a major change to such a basic email feature...
RFC 6854 can speak for itself as to the rationale for allowing no address. The EAI connection was, as I recall, for use in downgrade formats used to present EAI messages to non-EAI clients via POP3 and IMAP4. Ned