Hi Melinda,
question. I think it is plain why you think that it is not the right
question. However, by changing the topic, you are asserting that your
belief about what the right question is is more important than either
the IAOC's beliefs or the beliefs of other IETFers who believe that it
was a reasonable question.
I absolutely don't think "Can we have a successful meeting in
Singapore" is the right question. "We" can have a very
successful meeting, depending on the value of "we."
So, when we talk about "we," who's included?
we, as a community. Successful meeting does not need personal presence
of any particular person.
I wish we have ideal place where no participants have issues (with their
orientation, budget, nationality, politics, work, children ...), but we
do not have such a place.
P.S: There is also other view at the problem - there are cultures that
do not allow people to express their opinions openly in the list (as
they are losing credit while complaining). Do we forgive those people?