Folks, I don’t want to comment on the specific issues brought up by the most recent emails. But I think it is of course necessary to consider things that affect the ability to enter, safety (possibly including usual human activities that people do outside meetings anyway, families travelling along), etc. Those are factors that have a direct effect on attendees. Some of these issues may affect parts of the community, others may affect the whole community. But all of those are very valid concerns. We do not have an ability to avoid _all_ issues, but we definitely should try our best. However, there is another category of issue that I would classify as in-principle issues. I might for instance have some opinions about a country’s policies or practices, but me visiting that country am reasonably not affected by those policies. I hope when we evaluate meetings for the practical can-meet aspect (with everything that is implied by that), not for the long list of in-principle issues. Jari