In Line .. — Richard Shockey Shockey Consulting LLC Chairman of the Board SIP Forum richard<at> Skype-Linkedin-Facebook rshockey101 PSTN +1 703-593-2683 From: ietf <ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx> on behalf of Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Back to the original point, for a moment:
RS> Like security protocols? Dare I say it its harder and harder to get any work done in standards bodies and the IETF in particular? We have met the enemy and it is us… are we the new ITU? That is another thread altogether.
RS> Duh! Time to market. That said genuine interconnection and interoperability still does have value. Both the internet and the legacy as well as evolving global SIP voice network proves that. There is a strong counter argument that long term value in global communications, namely persistent revenue streams, are built on globally interoperable services. ATT, DT, BT, FT, Bell, NTT etc have not gone out of business, though they endlessly whine about losing some of the value models. We can send them some cheese to go with their whining. In the short term Layer 7 silos can work, especially in closed user communities, think instant messaging in the financial community and secure public safety applications as you correctly point out but at global scale you hit a wall eventually. RS> +1 That is certainly what is going on in Real-time Voice Services. Think Skype in its original deployment. I noted that the piece called out the reuse of phone numbers as persistent global identifiers for service delivery. Oh Internet domains .. they are soooooo 90’s J I totally get that. TN’s are globally unique they are ubiquitous, linguistically neutral and people have proven that if you use them correctly you can make a boat load of money. WhatsApp? Wow use the phone numbers and the existing national regulatory number allocation regime. Centralize your application ..collect 8 Billion dollars and do not pass GO. Works for me! Why didn’t I think of that? If I had 5 euro/dollars/pounds for every time I’ve heard “Phone numbers are stupid” I be sitting in the sun in St. Barts or the South of France with a cold glass of Champagne and would have resigned from this list years ago.
RS> Excellent observation and spot on with the issue with iCal. Don’t get me started with trying to sync Outlook for Mac with the rest of my Apple device infrastructure. Gurrrrr.
-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra |