On 4/6/16 9:18 PM, Harish Pillay wrote:
No different from the many other anti-gay laws on books in many countries including the US.
Actually, it is. Our Supreme Court has been striking down anti-gay legislation, not upholding it. Right now it is the law in Singapore that sexual contact between consenting adult men is a criminal act. The best way to clarify that Singapore doesn't really mean it is to get rid of the law, along with your other miscellaneous anti-gay laws. I live in Alaska, so I'm certainly sympathetic to the problem of living in a place you love that does some things that are very wrong and that are difficult to explain to people not from there, and the embarrassment that sometimes goes with that. But my own feeling is that the best way to deal with those situations is to own them and to work for change. I respect your feelings about your country but I will not be attending a meeting in Singapore unless the laws change. Melinda