On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 11:26 AM, John Levine <johnl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <m2a8m0y72q.wl%randy@xxxxxxx> you write:
> >> By using CloudFlare IETF is actively blocking Tor connections to IETF
> >> page.
> Only if you're a robot that can't do the captcha.
I haven't checked this particular captcha but they are notoriously unusable for those people who use text to speech readers, are dyslexic or have other cognitive impairments.
Google has adopted 'reCaptcha' which seems to pass the accessibility requirements for most of the vision impaired people we work with.
See: https://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/
See: https://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/
In fact, we've been running a campaign against it with some success...
So while I have every sympathy for the use of content distribution systems, I don't have any sympathy for things which break accessibility. Could this please be added to the tender/purchasing requirements next time around?
Narelle Clark