Senthil, I hadn't realised
you'd published a new version of the draft. Please CC me if/when
you update it again.
I've quickly reviewed the diffs between -06 and -07 : 1. Terminology " Any non-IPFIX terminology used to convey NAT events are described in this section." -> which section is "this" referring to? Since this paragraph seems only to serve as an introduction to the third paragraph which only contains a single exception, would it be better to remove these two lines and go directly to the third paragraph? : However, that causes confusion in terminology used in NAT specific terms and IPFIX IEs. Any non-IPFIX terminology used to convey NAT events are described in this section. 2. Introduction "This document details the IPFIX Information Elements(IEs)"-> No need to repeat "(IEs)" since this was already explained in the Terminology section. -> Remove the duplicated text: The IPFIX Protocol [RFC7011] defines a generic push mechanism for exporting information and events. The IPFIX Information Model [IPFIX-IANA] defines a set of standard IEs which can be carried by the IPFIX protocol. This document details the IPFIX Information Elements(IEs) that MUST be logged by a NAT device that supports NAT logging using IPFIX. This document details the IPFIX Information Elements(IEs) that MUST be logged by a NAT device that supports NAT logging using IPFIX, and all the optional fields. The fields specified in this document are gleaned from [RFC4787] and [RFC5382]. 5.4. Quota exceeded Event types -> In the " The events that can be reported are ...", I'd like to see the text be identical to the items listed in table 3 to remove any possible ambiguity. Global Address mapping high threshold reached -> Extra whitespace at the period: "paired address pooling behavior ." 8.1. New Information Elements / natLimitEvent, natThresholdEvent, -> typo: " describer in Table below." -> you should remove the "Table 22" and "Table 23" descriptions under those tables, because these won't make any sense when the text is transcribed into IANA's registry. E 8.2. Modified Information Elements / natEvent -> Again, you can't modify the definitions of the existing values. P. |