Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:33:04 +0000: | I am curious to know whether the various participants in this | conversation are planning to be in Yokohama, and whether, if so, they | might be interested in an f2f discussion on this topic. I know that | there are some peoples' noses a bit out of joint, and it's clear to me | that the way I phrased one of my earlier messages had something to do | with that, but I think there is a fruitful discussion to be had, and | my experience with many of the folks participating in this | conversation is that we do better face to face. The thread 'draft-josefsson-email-received-privacy' over at perpass@ has been discussing a meetup. Tuesday night seems to be the latest unchallenged suggestion. I'd be interested to meet email people, regardless of nose configuration.