On 10/22/15 6:17 AM, John Dickinson wrote:
On 21 Oct 2015, at 15:55, Robert Sparks wrote:
Testers: Thank you for your help!
Please move to the actual server now.
See <http://trac.tools.ietf.org/group/tools/trac/wiki/Imap>
(Be sure to delete and create a new account in your client - simply changing the hostname will not work well).
Thanks for this it works very well with MailMate. Maybe I am asking a stupid question but in order to post to a list do I need to stay subscribed to it in the traditional manner or does the imap subscription do something clever?
If the list has a subscribers-only posting filter, you will need to stay
subscribed to the list - nothing clever, as you suggest, is happening
when you subscribe to the mailbox in IMAP.