Hi Bob, Speaking as a Sergeant-at-arms of the IETF. This message is inappropriate for this mail exploder. Please, read RFC3005 and avoid further postings on this topic, so I’m not forced to revoke your posting rights. You need to find NOGs or other groups that may be helpful on this topic. Regards, Jordi -----Mensaje original----- De: ietf <ietf-bounces@xxxxxxxx> en nombre de Bob Bivona <bbandnep@xxxxxxxxx> Responder a: <bbandnep@xxxxxxxxx> Fecha: lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015, 17:35 Para: <ietf@xxxxxxxx> Asunto: municipal broadband >I >am doing research on the feasibility of municipal broadband and am trying to >determine approximate costs and would very much appreciate your assistance. I >understand costs would depend on many factors and am trying to determine very >roughly, what minimum costs would be for >fiber and wireless broadband infrastructure per capita, or for a city of >100,000 of average area. Chattanooga has a fiber municipal broadband system >that cost $414.5 million and has 55,000 subscribers (I am uncertain what the >average number of users per subscription is) for a cost per subscriber of >$7,536. Does this seem like a reasonable cost average per subscriber to you? I >understand that new wireless technologies exist that would allow cities to >offer similar speeds as fiber for much lower costs. Would you please tell me if >this is correct? Thank you very much. > >Bob >Bivona > >