On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 11:11:21PM +0000, Bhakta Giridhari Damoda Das Jonadon Brah Mahabarat wrote: > Proposal for A Safe, Clean Internet > > Before I disclose the concept proposed I will preclude a Big Brother > Internet Censorship that prevents people from exercising free choice. > That is, the concept does not intend to prohibit content in the public > domain which is controversial and or considered in poor taste by some. > No censorship enforcement is proposed- that is, no restriction on what > people display on their websites is discussed. What is proposed is a > world standard recognising the right to choose a clean Internet > experience- ie, what is displayed (by choice) in a web browser. At the > moment, this is left to the computer owner to determine, by means, if > so desired, of Net Nanny software or similar. This works, but it is > not as responsible as it could be. This will fail for many reasons. For example, different jurisdictions will have different definitions of common carriers and liability rules for them. Without global agreement as to this you'll have great difficulty getting your filtering concept to work the way you want it to. And then you'll need incentives and disincentives, with, again, fairly global agreement as to them and enforcement. It's a mess. And then there's definitions. You'll get bogged down on those. And then there are plenty of people who like getting paid for providing the filtering services that you want to make cheaper... And then there's niggling things like the First Amendment in the U.S. The IETF is not really a good organization for driving global legal standards... The IETF can resist these kinds of proposals more easily than it can help drive their adoption -- it's a fact of life. You'll probably find that most IETF participants are not interested in helping you with this. The IETF is a volunteer organization; whence the volunteers for unpopular proposals? > The Concept > > An internet site registrar is declared, where owners of existing web > sites or new web sites can apply to have their web site registered : > the owner submits their site's URL, and the registrar reviews the site > and it is admitted to the registrar if it contains anything but any of > the following: Really? How often should re-reviews be done? Is there an appeals process? > Pornography of any form I suspect that in the West any real threat to cutting off access to pornography wouldn't survive the polls. > Gambling Gambling is quite acceptable in some jurisdictions. > Sex-driven sites (excluding dating sites which require reasonable decorum) Who is to define what "reasonable decorum" is? > Racist sites Ditto. > Inflammatory sites Ditto. > Sites promoting or discussing illegal activity (as a general theme- the intent is never to prohibit open discussion: free speech is what makes laws so strong- they can stand examination) That may not be your intent, but there will be those who will intend to prohibit "open discussion". Even many people who would like to see pornography labelled as such will balk when they get to this item. > Sites which promote consumption of conciousness-altering substances, including caffeine, nicotine and ethanol > {please add to list} Really?! Anyone still supporting your concept before getting to this item is liable to turn into an enemy to the death once they see that you threaten their caffeine supply. > .... > > > Sites which are permitted: ... > Personal Home pages, provided the content is not offensive, or derisive Ditto. > News sites In the U.S. anyone and everyone is "the press" for the purposes of the First Amendment. > Internet Search engines > Wikipedia Some of the things on Wikipedia no doubt would be shocking to you. > Selected YouTube content Selected? By whom?! > {please add to list} > .... > Anything you would not be alarmed by if your children were reading, for example. I suspect that you'd be alarmed by the things that I'm not alarmed by my children reading. Here's a tip: children grow up, and as they grow the universe of material that is OK for them to consume varies. Here's another tip: different parents have different standards. > How does it Work? Spoiler alert: it won't. Nico --