You said: ".... Pornography of any form Gambling Sex-driven sites (excluding dating sites which require reasonable decorum) Racist sites Inflammatory sites Sites promoting or discussing illegal activity (as a general theme- the intent is never to prohibit open discussion: free speech is what makes laws so strong- they can stand examination) Sites which promote consumption of conciousness-altering substances, including caffeine, nicotine and ethanol ...." Exactly WHO gets to define these concepts? What is legal in country X may be illegal in country Y, etc. What is consider "decorum" or even "open discussion" [Google for "Tank Man"] also varies greatly by region and culture. Generally speaking, Layer 9 solutions do not tend to work well when applied on any larger scale. Ole Ole J. Jacobsen Editor and Publisher The Internet Protocol Journal Office: +1 415-550-9433 Cell: +1 415-370-4628 UK Cell: +44 7805 977889 docomo: (090) 3337-9311 Web: E-mail: olejacobsen@xxxxxx E-mail: ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Skype: organdemo