“do you support the adoption of this draft as a WG document.” isn’t the right question; chairs should be asking: “Does this draft meets the criteria for adoption in this WG” I think it matters what you ask for in a “call for consensus”; and much better to focus on the reasons and not individual’s opinions about the action. The criteria should include “in scope for the WG” but also some recasting of the criteria of RFC 2418 section 2.1; here’s a rough cut: “Criteria for adoption of new work in an existing working group" * Is the work within the scope of the charter of the group? (Some “catch-all” groups have broad scope, others more narrow.) - Are the goals specific and reasonably achievable, and achievable within a reasonable time frame? - Is the level of effort required (based on an estimate of the risks and urgency of the work) consistent with the working group’s schedule? - Does the topic of the new work overlap with those of another working group? If so, are there sufficient reasons to take on the work and the coordination required? - Is there sufficient interest (within the working group and the IETF as a whole) in the new work’s topic, with enough people willing to expend the effort to produce the desired result (e.g., a protocol specification)? - Quality work require considerable effort, including management of process (e.g., a “document shepherd”), editing (document editors), and review by the expected community of use. The interest must be broad enough that the work could not be seen as merely the activity of a single vendor. - Is there enough expertise within the working group in the work’s topic, and are those people interested in contributing to the work? - Does a base of interested consumers (end-users) appear to exist for the planned work? Consumer interest can be measured by participation of end-users within the IETF process, as well as by less direct means. - Does the IETF have a reasonable role to play in the determination of the technology? There are many Internet-related technologies that may be interesting to IETF members but in some cases the IETF may not be in a position to effect the course of the technology in the "real world". This can happen, for example, if the technology is being developed by another standards body or an industry consortium. - Are all known intellectual property rights relevant to the proposed work issues understood? - Is the proposed work plan an open IETF effort or is it an attempt to "bless" non-IETF technology where the effect of input from IETF participants may be limited? - Is there a good understanding of any existing work that is relevant to the topics that the proposed working group is to pursue? This includes work within the IETF and elsewhere. - Does the work overlap with known work in another standards body, and if so is adequate liaison in place? Working group members are encouraged to express opinions about these questions, so the working group chair may determine if there is rough consensus that the work being proposed meets the criteria for adoption.