In answering private mail on my posting on this topic, I came up with a
half-baked theory that I decided should probably be shared with the list
for comment. The following is a quote from a private response I
sent on this topic.
- Side comment - my thoughts on behavior. Almost every other
technical standards body in the world has voting at either the
individual, organization or country level with respect to whether or not
a particular element, thought, scheme or device gets standardized.
We do not.
- Through "consensus", we include things that are strongly
presented, vigorously defended, said by people with gravitas applicable
to the technology[, technically good], and not shouted down. It may
be that the style of interaction that you're complaining about is more
related to the "consensus" process than to any other
element. If may be that if you want to change the
confrontational style, you're going to have to change the way things
become standards.
The above is proposed for discussion, not a strongly held belief on
my part (as of yet). But, it may be that "Standardization by
combat" is what we're all about and that to change that would
require changing the fundamentals for the IETF.