4.2. One Syllable for One Chinese Character in Section 2.3
How about adding a description, something like "There are tens of thousands of Chinese characters. Each Chinese character has its own meanings and is pronounced with one syllable." in Section 2.3?
The reason is that I guess readers are expected to have this knowledge (especially, the relationship between a Chinese character, a Chinese word and a syllable; e.g. each Chinese character represents a word, and each Chinese character is pronounced by one syllable with a tone), but non-Chinese people might not know of this.
== > I will check Cao Zhen, come back to you later, thanks for your waiting.
4.4. "Inflection" in Section 2.3
So, how about explaining the Chinese tones by something like "Spoken Chinese also has tones (shifts in pitch) within a syllable.
The four main tones of Chinese are first tone (high-level), second tone (rising), third tone (down then up), and fourth tone (falling)." ?