In article <D96D1B26-7782-4E36-9A1A-3BD94607B176@xxxxxxxxx> you write: >> Be nice if the posting tool confirmed co-author(s) whenever a co-author(s) is "new" (all >would be new for -00). This would require keeping a database of the drafts and co-authors. It already knows who the authors are -- if a new version of a draft has an added author, one of the previous authors has to confirm it. It seems to me that it would be reasonable to require that each author confirm at least once that he or she wants to be an author of a draft, which means all of the authors on -00 and any added authors on subsequent versions. The issues about cutoffs can be finessed by merely leaving off (or commenting out in the XML) the names of authors who won't be able to confirm and adding them in a later version. If you want to put in a note like [[ Joe Blow to be listed as co-author in future versions ]] that's fine. This should both be a small change to the software and a small change to the way we work. R's, John