On 1/9/2015 3:00 PM, Russ Housley wrote: > There was a long discussion of Day Passes in 2010, and it lead to this IESG statement: ... > In my view, this was the right decision. Minor point: The IESG is making "decisions" about IETF qualifications for nomcom? What hasn't the IESG acquired IETF rough consensus approval for this? Major point: What IETF-specific knowledge and skills do we expect from Nomcom members? How do the current selection criteria increase the likelihood of meeting that expectation? Is that increase in likelihood large or small? In reality, the basic criterion we currently have often gives us one or more members with no significant knowledge of IETF management or process issues. Periodically, the criterion gives of a nearly complete slate of such well-intentioned, but naive, voting members. If we care about having a slate of voting nomcom members who have practical knowledge of IETF operation, we need to require that at least some of Nomcom's voting members have significant, hands-on experience with important parts of that operations. In the current IETF, a filter based solely on meeting attendance guarantees a significant likelihood of voting members will little-to-no knowledge of IETF operation. d/ -- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking bbiw.net