I started to draft out my ideas under the impression that the cut off date is tomorrow when there is a bit more time. This is a starting point for a draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hallambaker-sxs-confirm-00 My home configuration has already exceeded the complexity of a typical university department in the 1990s and it is far from comprehensive. Less than a quarter of the light switches are under IP control. Such organizations found software management and distribution infrastructures essential so it is a good bet that the home will. It will always be necessary to support the approach where the user relies on a cloud service provided by the vendor. But it should also be possible to bind a device to a local or personal 'hub' so that it receives all its directions from that source. Including when to accept updates, which updates to accept, etc. etc. While the vulnerability concern is limited to 'software' (anything from HTML to firmware), the line between software and configuration is blurred. Especially when many vulnerabilities are configuration settings. So configuration is also part of the issue here.