On 1 September 2014 19:25, Eliot Lear <lear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
[all of that]...
On 9/1/14, 7:58 PM, Michael StJohns wrote:
> We seem to be getting (or I seem to be noticing) a lot more drafts that aren't associated with a specific working group, or are pre-WG adoption. I'm finding myself at a loss for where to go on some of these to "discuss" that isn't off-topic for whatever list I might be directed to.
> How about
Or actually using our working group process?
So we'll only discuss ideas that are written up as drafts, and we'll only discuss them in a working group, and we'll only create a working group around drafts that have traction, and we'll only consider a draft to have traction if there's discussion, and we'll only discuss them in a working group, and ...