Re: [saag] Protocol Design Pattern (was Re: Last Call: <draft-dukhovni-opportunistic-security-01.txt>)

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On 18/08/14 22:18, Stephen Kent wrote:
short of re-writing it for him, I don't
see how to fix this mess.
I think that's going too far and is disrespectful
to Viktor and to those others who have expressed
support for the document. That's especially egregious
given that you haven't even bothered to compare
-03 to the earlier on-list discussion.
You are right that I failed to compare the released -03 version to
the pre-release version. When I began to read the released -03 version
I noted that almost none of the suggested changes appeared in the
abstract or in most of section 1, which promoted my reply. But, I agree
that I should have read the rest of the doc before commenting.
Now that I have read the whole doc, I see that Viktor did adopt make changes
reflecting some of my comments, though not consistently. My apologies for
not reading the entirety of the new version before commenting.

Still, I stand by my comments that the doc was still badly written, though it
was better in several respects.  The fact that some others have commented that
they find the quality of the  writing to be acceptable does not change reality.
I also note that several of those expressing support for the writing (not the design
per se) have authored very few RFCs.

Please provide a detailed description of how -03
does or does not map to the earlier mailing list

I've done better that than. I have re-written the doc with an
intent to address all of the issues I raised, retaining the
design principles in the latest version, eliminating a lot of redundant text,
and using less ambiguous language. The result is much shorter and, in my view,
clearer and better organized.



Network Working Group                                        V. Dukhovni

Internet-Draft                                                 Two Sigma

Intended status: Informational                           August 15, 2014

Expires: February 16, 2015



        Opportunistic Security: Some Protection Most of the Time





   This memo introduces the concept "Opportunistic Crypto-Security"

   (OCS). OCS is a set of protocol design principles that attempt to

   remove  barriers to the widespread use of encryption on the Internet.

   OCS is not a protocol. Protocols that adhere to OCS guidelines may

   offer additional crypto-security services, e.g., integrity and

   authentication, if these services are supported by all parties

   to a communication. The OCS design philosophy departs from the

   common practice of other Internet security protocols; they commonly

   require cryptographic protection against both passive and active

   attacks, or offer no protection at all.  OCS protocols strive to

   offer encryption  even if authentication is not available.  This

   document encourages designs in which cryptographic protection

   against both passive and active attacks can be deployed

   incrementally, without creating barriers to communication.


Status of This Memo


   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the

   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.


   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering

   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute

   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-

   Drafts is at


   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months

   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any

   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference

   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."


   This Internet-Draft will expire on February 16, 2015.


Copyright Notice


   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the

   document authors.  All rights reserved.




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Internet-Draft           Opportunistic Security              August 2014



   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal

   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

   ( in effect on the date of

   publication of this document.  Please review these documents

   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect

   to this document.


Table of Contents


   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2

   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4

   3.  The Opportunistic Security Design Pattern . . . . . . . . . .   5

   4.  Opportunistic Security Design Principles  . . . . . . . . . .   7

   5.  Example: Opportunistic TLS in SMTP  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8

   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10


1.  Introduction


   The development of Opportunistic Crypto-Security (OCS) is motivated

   by the concerns raised in [RFC7258]. Pervasive monitoring (as defined

   in that RFC) is feasible because of the lack of widespread use of

   encryption for confidentiality. Although the IETF has developed many

   security protocols (e.g., TLS, IPsec, SSH, …) that employ encryption

   for confidentiality, most of them also require one-way or two-way

   authentication. Authentication is mandated by the protocols to protect

   against active attacks. If communicating peers are unable to meet the

   authentication requirements imposed by these protocols, the result may

   be no communication, or plaintext communication.


   The ability to authenticate any potential peer on the Internet requires

   an authentication mechanism that encompasses all such peers. No IETF

   standards for authentication meet this criteria. The Public Key

   Infrastructure (PKI) model employed by browsers to authenticate web

   servers (often called the "Web PKI" [cite]) imposes cost and management

   burdens that have limited its use. The trust-on-first-use (TOFU)

   authentication approach assumes that an unauthenticated public key

   obtained on first contact (and retained for future use) will be good

   enough to secure future communication. TOFU-based protocols, e.g., SSH

   [cite] work well in enterprise environments, but were not designed to

   scale for Internet-wide use.


   DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE [RFC6698]) defines a

   way to distribute public keys bound to DNS names. It can provide an

   alterative to the Web PKI (for other than EV certificates [cite]).

   DANE should be used in conjunction with DNSSEC [RFC4033]. At time,

   DNSSEC is not sufficiently widely deployed to allow DANE to satisfy the

   Internet-wide, any-to-any authentication criteria noted above. Thus

   protocols that mandate authenticated communication cannot generally

   do so via DANE (at time).

Internet-Draft           Opportunistic Security              August 2014




   OCS provides a near-term approach to removing barriers to widespread

   use of encryption, while offering a path to authenticated, encrypted

   communication in the future. The primary goal of OCS is to counter

   attacks, consistent with the goals established in [RFC7258]. However,

   OCS does not preclude offering protection against active attacks, if

   suitable authentication capabilities are available. OCS is not intended

   as a substitute for authenticated, encrypted communication when such

   communication is already available to peers, e.g., based on TLS, IPsec,

   SSH, etc.


   To achieve widespread adoption, OCS must support incremental deployment.

   Incremental deployment implies that security capabilities will vary

   from peer to peer, perhaps for a very long time. Thus use of an OCS

   protocol by  one peer may yield communication that is unauthenticated

   but encrypted, authenticated and encrypted, or plaintext. This last

   outcome  will occur if not all parties to a communication support OCS

  (or if an active attack makes it appear that this is the case). OCS

   protocols  will attempt to establish authenticated, encrypted

   communication whenever both parties are capable of such, but will

   fallback to unauthenticated encrypted communication if authentication

   is not possible. Fallback to plaintext communication will occur as

   noted above.


   OCS protocols do not prohibit the use of local security policies. A

   security administrator may specify security policies that  override

   opportunistic security. For example, a policy might require authenticated,

   encrypted communication, in contrast to the default OCS security policy.


   The remainder of this document provides definitions of critical terms,

   enumerates the OCS design principles/guidelines, and provides an example

   of an OSC design, in the context of communication between mail relays.



2.  Terminology


   Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS):  As defined in [RFC4949].


   Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attack:  As defined in [RFC4949].


   Trust on First Use (TOFU):  In a protocol, TOFU calls for accepting

      and storing a public key/credential associated with an asserted

      identity, without authenticating that assertion. Subsequent

      communication that is authenticated using the cached key/credential

      is secure against an MiTM attack, if such an attack did not

      succeed during the (vulnerable) initial communication.  The

      SSH protocol makes use of TOFU.  The phrase "leap of faith" (LoF,

      [RFC4949]) is sometimes used as a synonym.

[note that this is still not quite correct. In an enterprise environment it

is common for the enterprise to provide an out-of-band means of verifying the
asserted identity, e.g., based on the hash of the public key.]


   One-way and Two-way Authentication <fill in>



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3. Opportunistic Crypto-Security Design Principles


   As noted in Section 1, OCS aims to remove barriers to the

   widespread use of encryption on the Internet. A secondary goal is

   protection against active attacks, by enabling incremental

   deployment of authenticated, encrypted communication. OCS seeks

   to achieve the best protection possible, based on the capabilities

   of communicating peers.


1.  Determine Peer Security Capabilities: An OCS protocol first

determines the capabilities of the peer with which it is attempting

       to communicate. Peer capabilities may be discovered by out-of-band

       or in-band means. (Inband determination implies negotiation between

       peers. Out-of-band mechanism include the use  of DANE records or

       cached keys/credentials acquired via TOFU.) The capability phase

       determination may indicate that the  peer supports authenticated,

       encrypted communication, unauthenticated encrypted communication,

       or only plaintext communication. (Note that use of out-of-band

       capability determine, e.g., DANE or TOFU, is downgrade resistant,

       and thus preferred over in-band negotiation techniques. The goal

       of this design principle is to maximize the offered security

       services on a pairwise, peer basis.


2.  Apply Security Policy: Having determined peer security

capabilities, an OCS protocol next applies any local security polices

in addition to the default OCS policy (see below). Local policies may
require security services in addition to encryption, e.g., authentication.
A policy might restrict the set of algorithms that are employed (for encryption,
authentication, integrity, etc.) The OCS default policy is simple: establish
encrypted communication if possible; authenticate the peer if the capability
exists; revert to plaintext if encrypted communication is not possible.
Reverting to plaintext merely because authentication was not possible is
inconsistent with the default policy! However, explicit, local policy
overrides the default OCS policy.


3.  Employ Perfect Forward Secrecy:  OCS protocols SHOULD employ PFS

to  protect previously recorded encrypted communication from
decryption even after a compromise of long-term keys.


   4. No misrepresentation of security:  Unauthenticated encrypted

      communication must not be misrepresented to users (or in

      logs) of non-interactive applications as equivalent to

      communication over an authenticated encrypted channel. This principle

      is consistent with the goal of not encouraging use of OCS in lieu of

      protocols that offer additional security services, when such protocols

      can be employed successfully.







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Internet-Draft           Opportunistic Security              August 2014




4.  Example: Opportunistic TLS in SMTP


   Many Message Transfer Agents (MTAs, [RFC5598]) support the STARTTLS

   ([RFC3207]) ESMTP extension.  MTAs acting as SMTP clients are

   generally willing to send email without TLS (and therefore without

   encryption), but will employ TLS (and therefore encryption) when the

   SMTP server announces STARTTLS support.  Since the initial ESMTP

   negotiation is not cryptographically protected, the STARTTLS

   advertisement is vulnerable to MiTM downgrade attacks.  Further, MTAs

   do not generally require peer authentication.  Thus the use of STARTTLS

   for SMTP protects only against passive attacks.


   MTAs that implement STARTTLS establish either an authenticated,

   encrypted session or deliver messages over a plaintext channel.

   Recent reports [cite?] from a number of large providers suggest

   that the  majority of SMTP email transmission on the Internet is now

   encrypted, and the trend is toward increasing adoption.


   The STARTTLS advertisement is vulnerable to active attacks and

   some MTAs that advertise STARTTLS exhibit various interoperability

   problems in their implementations.  As a result, it is common for a

   pair of STARTTLS-enabled MTAs to fall back to plaintext

   communication when the TLS handshake fails, or when TLS fails during

   message transmission.  This is a reasonable trade-off, consistent with

   OCS principles, since STARTTLS protects against only passive

   attacks; absent an active attack TLS failures are simply

   interoperability problems.


   Some MTAs employing STARTTLS abandon the TLS handshake when the

   peer MTA fails authentication, only to immediately deliver

   the same message over a plaintext connection.  Other MTAs have been

   observed to tolerate unverified self-signed certificates, but not

   expired certificates, again falling back to plaintext.  These and

   similar behaviors are NOT consistent with OCS principles, since

   they revert to plaintext communication when authentication fails,

   instead of employing unauthenticated, encryption, communication.


   Protection against active attacks for SMTP is described in

   [I-D.ietf-dane-smtp-with-dane].  That draft introduces the terms

   "Opportunistic TLS" and "Opportunistic DANE TLS"; this draft is

   consistent with the OCS design principles defined in this document.





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6.  Security Considerations


   OCS supports communication that is authenticated and encrypted,

   unauthenticated and encrypted, or plaintext. The security services

   offered to communicating peers is not reduced by the use of OCS.

   This is because the default OCS policy employs the best security

   services available based on the capabilities of the peers, and

   because local security policies take precedence over the default

   OCS policy. OCS is an improvement over the status quo; it provides

   better security than the alternative of providing no security services

   when authentication is not possible (and not strictly required)


   OCS coexists with and is preempted by local, non-OCS security polices.

   Non-OCS policies may inhibit use of encryption when many peers cannot

   offer authenticated, encrypted communication. Unless authenticated,

   encrypted communication is necessary, non-OCS local policies of this

   sort run counter to the goals established in [RFC7258].


7.  Acknowledgements


   I would like to thank Steve Kent.  Some of the text in this document

   is based on his earlier draft.  I would like to thank Dave Crocker,

   Peter Duchovni, Paul Hoffman, Scott Kitterman, Martin

   Thomson, Nico Williams, Paul Wouters and Stephen Farrell for their

   helpful suggestions and support.


8.  References


8.1.  Normative References


   [RFC3207]  Hoffman, P., "SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over

              Transport Layer Security", RFC 3207, February 2002.


   [RFC4033]  Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.

              Rose, "DNS Security Introduction and Requirements", RFC

              4033, March 2005.


   [RFC5116]  McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated

              Encryption", RFC 5116, January 2008.


   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security

              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246, August 2008.


   [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and

              Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity

              within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509

              (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer

              Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, March 2011.




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   [RFC6698]  Hoffman, P. and J. Schlyter, "The DNS-Based Authentication

              of Named Entities (DANE) Transport Layer Security (TLS)

              Protocol: TLSA", RFC 6698, August 2012.


8.2.  Informative References



              Dukhovni, V. and W. Hardaker, "SMTP security via

              opportunistic DANE TLS", draft-ietf-dane-smtp-with-dane-11

              (work in progress), August 2014.


   [RFC4949]  Shirey, R., "Internet Security Glossary, Version 2", RFC

              4949, August 2007.


   [RFC5598]  Crocker, D., "Internet Mail Architecture", RFC 5598, July



   [RFC7258]  Farrell, S. and H. Tschofenig, "Pervasive Monitoring Is an

              Attack", BCP 188, RFC 7258, May 2014.


Author's Address


   Viktor Dukhovni

   Two Sigma


   Email: ietf-dane@xxxxxxxxxxxx


























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