IMO this tangent is off track. The goal wasn't to "predict" anything, but rather to state the vision we want to pursue. So it's misguided to critique that on the basis that lots of people make predictions and are often wrong. Having goals and trying to pursue them is not the same as guessing what will happen. The critique that it's pointless for the IETF to have a vision because it can't meaningfully pursue it is more applicable, but I think it's mistaken. It'd be more true to say that the IETF cannot make such a vision happen on its own. Whatever the Internet becomes will be guided by money and time and ideas. By policy and by software and by design and protocol work and applications and laws and other things. All have roles to play. And by ideas - the development, articulation, and spreading of ideas. IETF is influential in one corner of this, but it's a significant corner. If the IETF does put out a clear vision, and if IETF people do use that vision to guide their design and engineering work, it can certainly contribute to guiding the Internet towards that vision. In addition to actual IETF work, the IETF is a nexus of people involved in all the other aspects of the Internet, so it's not a bad forum to hash out such a vision in order to give it credence in other circles. Other people can than take that and use it elsewhere, at their employers or in their government agencies, etc. -- Cos