Meanwhile I notice that hundreds of IT professionals spin their wheels
over standards and practices for dealing with spam, which is otherwise preventable, namely, let's cut the crap and go to first casuses: why there is spam/crime to the extent that there is: bad software running user PCs worldwide. Get rid of Microsoft software connected to the Internet and the worldwide "bot-net" problem will go away in a few months, as the criminal bots are tracked down and eliminated but NOT replaced. Do not even begin to bother the issue of whether Unix/Linux can or cannot be invaded/compromised. Yes, it can, but to at most four orders of magnitude a lesser extent. Microsoft's mean time to the next exploit is 15 days (two weeks.) Unix's mean time to the next exploit is 2700 days (7.5 years.) Microsoft users are just recovering from any given virus when the next one hits. There is just no excuse to keep using such awful software and then have to pretend that all the extra attendant nonsense ("anti-spamscience") is meaningful and necessary. I suggest we worldwide quit wasting man-hours and intelligence doing scutwork on an arms-race basis to keep Bill Gates's company looking at best adequate. The spam is their fault and they can't fix the reasons why. So put their code in the garbage where it belongs and retire Microsoft into the Dustbin of History where it belonged 20 years ago. This will free an enormous amount of now-wasted manpower to start doing more useful things. This would also greatly benefit the economy and the development of new PC technology, by the way, without regard to spam/crime. === S Moonesamy wrote: Hi Phillip, |