Hi Eric,
At 14:12 15-05-2014, Eric Dynamic wrote:
Solving the SPAM problem once and "for all time", the right way
The genuine solution to the problem of worldwide spam and 98% of all
email flows being "buy this garbage" solicitations and "please
infect yourself" virus-carrying messages is
I rearranged the text in your message. The "please infect yourself"
approach is applicable to any system, e.g.
I run mailing lists for the Berkeley (California) Parent-Teacher's
Association (PTA.) So Yahoo is
Is that www.berkeleypta.org
essentially saying that no Yahoo users can get email sent to such
lists BY Yahoo users. This of course makes no sense. Moreover, the
issue has been outstanding for long enough that Yahoo should by now
have REMEDIED the situation. But this seems to much to expect:
Corporate Accountability, in an age where these corporations think
they are "important" for having millions of subscribers.
I'll rearrange some of the text here.
I would suggest people start complaining to the EFF (Electronic
Frontier Foundation.) This is something which is supposed to be
their "back yard", that they would address, but they ignored my
initial complaints to them. I think if they start hearing from the
public at large they will realize this is non-trivial and something
very worth their attention.
After reading the above my conclusion is that yahoo.com and eff.org
consider the problem as trivial and not worthy of their attention.
There were calls to complain to Yahoo (these are steadfastly
ignored) and to boycott Yahoo (these are also ignored by a public on
automatic pilot, bought out by the notion of "free" accounts of all
kinds.) We are entering a stage in the Corporatization of America
where it's time to pay attention and fight back, or these
Corporations will WIN and effectively replace the IETF with their
own "common" (malfeasant) practices. It has been suggested that
Yahoo, Google, et. al. are busy
I don't have an opinion about the Corporatization of America. Please
note that the usage of "America" as a geographical reference is
ambiguous as it is not clear whether Canada or Chile are included.
I can play Google off against Yahoo, by telling the Yahoo users to
threaten to switch to Google if Yahoo won't behave; but it's no
great solution if they actually do so. Another recommendation to
people is to NOT HAVE Google host their email domains, but once
people hear "free" they ignore reason, logic and everything else.
How sad it is how cheaply people are bought out against their own
interests nowadays.
I rearranged the above text. There is a significant number of IETF
participants using gmail.com email addresses. It would be
interesting to hear their opinion about the above.
I think the IETF needs to issue an emergency policy statement that
condemns the interference these corporations are causing with our
Free Speech. (to repeat:) It is almost certain that what Yahoo,
Google, AOL, et. al. are doing violates a number of "best practices"
RFCs that the IETF has published. It is multiplying Internet
traffic loads for no valid purpose.
The IETF does not issue emergency policy statements. It is unlikely
that there would be consensus to condemn any interference with free speech.
the polemic tone reflects my irritation, sorry. :)
I might be mildly irritated if a mail provider used by people
subscribed to the mailing list I run created a problem which affects
me. I might give some thought to what to do about it. The rest is a
matter of imagination and inclination.
S. Moonesamy