On 3/9/2014 2:33 PM, Alia Atlas wrote:
In the last few years, there seems to be a drive towards overlays and
packet encapsulations.
If by "few" you mean over 15, agreed: http://www.isi.edu/xbone
E.g., it was nearly 10 years ago that I gave a tutorial at Infocom on
virtual and overlays.
> What problems do you see these as solving?
These have been addressed in a multitude of IETF WGs and RGs over the
past years - currently L2VPN, L3VPN, NVO3, TRILL, LISP, and the past
The goals are already understood as virtualizing resources (routers,
subnets, links, etc., for the same benefit an OS adds to computation:
- abstraction
- resource sharing
- shared resource isolation
- software/service reuse
there a
more focused way to consider the drivers and downsides?
Although network virtualization has been around for a long time, even
actively being developed in the IETF, stepping back to look at the long
view is starting to gain more traction. I agree that the wheel is being
reinvented, esp. with a lot of recent "X over UDP" proposals.
FWIW, INTAREA has a tunnels document that Mark Townsley and I started a
few years ago on which work is resuming. A revision will be out soon.
That document focuses on IP over encapsulation X, esp where X is also
(or ultimately) IP, but a lot of the principles may be of more general