On Mar 9, 2014 5:28 PM, "Juliao Braga" <juliao@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, good solution. With the Ombusdpersons, the IETF can create a group
> of volunteers who act as mentors for non-native English (particularly)
> when they make a mistake that eventually bother some participants or
> demonstrate the need for a follow up for some time.
The ombudsperson is for harassment problems, not for mentoring.
Some Working Groups already have informal assistance available for non-English speakers. Talk to your WG chairs.
Occasionally we discuss formalizing this kind of help IETF-wide. However, since the main goal is better communication in technical activity, I believe it is best to keep it organized at the level of an Area. If you are interested in better organizing help in writing or editing drafts or email, you could ask your ADs about it.
By the way, many native English speakers need help with their writing as well.