Abdussalam, Don't get me wrong: I do not recommend this as a normal process. Just a case for exceptions. Also don't assume that the Ombudsperson would act that fast. A list manager *might* be able to act fast if they are in the right time zone, awake, not working, reading email all the time... But that is unlikely and unusual. Furthermore, the list manager should not be doing this sort of thing without care and consultation. Thus, this remedy could be included in the set, but would remain a rarity that might be used very infrequently, and even then only after careful deliberation. I suspect you hope that this could be a quick fix to a few insulting emails. I would be surprised if the consensus was behind that view. I certainly don't agree with it. Adrian From: Abdussalam Baryun [mailto:abdussalambaryun@xxxxxxxxx] Hi Adrian I agree with you totally. I think also that the draft needs to consider that there are many people watching the discussions and IETF activities of lists/group, but because of those watchers (usually from Asia and Europe) good reputation in community, so they will refuse to engage in such groups discussion/activity because those groups/list have LARGE space of freedom to even shoot at humans instead to shoot at ideas/texts/technologies. In addition, IMHO the draft should include the social problem of the identified and unidentified persons that may become parts in the harassing situation. So usually reporters like to be unknown to public, usually harass respondents like to be unknown, and the victims like to be known by good reputation but unknown of such attacks against them. This may be important to ombudsperson responsibilities to maintain privacy. The IETF discussion registration gives chance to any person to have more than one name or identity but not real names (which may be known only by few hidden harassing persons so they can enjoy). The IETF ombudsperson usually uses identities to investigate, so there is a problem which can be solved by removing inputs quickly within minutes in such unknown harassing. I will try to do some text to suggest into the draft, but others can help formulating the idea if they agree. Regards AB